Advancing Implementation Strategies with AI

Innovations are not self-executing, they require effective implementation to realize their intended impact on stakeholders. Unfortunately, the practical application of implementation science principles in educational organizations lags far behind in comparison to other fields like healthcare, where it is a central force supporting intended impacts. A paradigm shift has changed the focus away from strict “fidelity of implementation” toward enactment of innovations with deep consideration for critical components of innovations and the mediating factors (characteristics of an innovation, users, organizations, environments, etc.) that support or inhibit their enactment in an organization. This Think Tank session will present background on the implementation problem and strategies then explores possible ways that AI can be used to support implementation of innovations in educational settings. Examples will be shared using real data collected at the Western Academy of Beijing and participants will create and explore use of data from their own organizations with AI to support implementation in their own context.

Facilitated By

Chris Hayden

Western Academy of Beijing

Chris Hayden is an experienced international educator and leader passionate about technology integration, innovative models of curriculum, and implementation science. He is engaged in IB curriculum work, professional development, and school change management. His goals as an educator include developing innovative educational experiences that are future-focused and transformative. He is currently focused on leveraging AI models and context data to enhance implementation of innovations in organizations.